Thursday, June 26, 2014

The life of a loner and how he became a loner

Life is full of surprises, some good and others bad. For him , it has always been the latter. At one time, news surfaced among the village that he was a rapist and many people wished him dead. At times, when people see him walking they will look the other way if not completely changing their directions. The brave would look at him and spit on the ground. Those who had been in a situation like his before, knew and understood what he must be feeling. One of them once explained to her neighbour that “ you will wish the earth can open up and swallow you immediately”. But, for him, people can only imagine because he hardly open up himself to people. Rumours had it that he felt like an outcast since his arrival to the village.

Apparently, he never knew his real parents, and he was brought up by his grandparents. News about his parents’s whereabouts have always been sketchy , and his grandmother never really entertained the topic. Those with tabloid characters had it circulating around the village that his mother passed on during labour. His father since took off and never surfaced until to date. The only person who seems to understand him is his grandmother. Before she grows fence around her yard, people used to stand on the street and look at them talking to each other. News circulated that he does not speak at all. Kids would also poke him on the streets and he would continue his journey like nothing happened. That was the kind of man he was. A man in village where everyone talks bad about him. Other news came to be known that he once watched his younger drown and he marvel on the whole incidence.

His life was like a school timetable, he would know what to do when and at what time. Whether comes rain or sunshine, they would see him watering plants in the yard, ans sometimes he would sweep the yard in the presence of his grandma walking around him without saying a word. Or atleast not in a voice that can be heard by the spectators. The two seemed to live in the world of their own. One day, a fellow old woman from the same village once asked his grandma about him, and she just told them he is a good and adorable grand son she can ever asked for. One wondered what would have happened to her if she was still in her youth,because it is believed that people in that village will associate with you based on your family behaviour and its members. Surely, with her grandson behaviour very few would want to associate with a person from such a family. However, that did not matter to her because she was a loner, more like her grandson.

Those who knew this family from its old residence, suggest that he was a good boy at school and had a bright future at his disposal during his youth. Others believe that he was bewitched by the family of the lady whom they believed that he had molested. The issue is believed to have never been reported to the police. Apparently, his grandma moved to this village because the rumours were so rife in their old village, and she had to fled for his safety. He was a very attractive and active young man. But, one would not believe it if they can see him now, a man who looks and behaves like a loner. However lonesome he seems to appear to people, one would not really think that he sees himself as a loner. To him, everything or this type of life seemed normal.

One would expect loners to desire to make friendship or at least to desire to be in company of others, but to him, such efforts never seem to have crossed his mind. He carried himself in one way as long as people in this village can remember. Mr loner. So many things were said about him and his grandmother. Others believed to have evidence that he was a zombie or that he looks after his grandma’s zombies and as such, he was forbidden from talking to anyone except his herd of zombies. Others, believed that he was a drunkard who drinks kids blood and as such he had lost his speech. To those of us who have studied a little knew that it is impossible for man to lose is speech once born with it. But, to many this did not seem to matter. Maybe, it was indeed a village of the ignorant.

The village was congested with young and old people. Women were at their majority. Those who know would testify how women seem to have direct influence over how their kids behave. One scarcely sees a child talking or playing with other kids or people whom were considered to be bad by the kid’s mother. Some kids would use him or his name with their siblings or parents during supper and around fire. Other parents even went to an extent of scorning their kids by calling them a Loner. All bad things were associated to him and his name.

One day something shockingly occurred in the village...
To be continued...

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