Wednesday, June 4, 2014


As a person, one should strive at all times to feed not only one’s stomach but the mind and the soul as well. Allow me to share with you some of the things that scare me daily. The mere fact of being a graduate and a student make me to have fears. Apart from nightmares which , I believe, are shared by all human beings; I am scared of not feeding my mind through reading, watching TV, listening to a radio etc.

I am scared of waking up daily and walk around without reminiscing about what I read , heard or watched. In short, I am scared of walking around and only thinking of what to eat in a moment when I get hungry. Some people all they ever do daily is to think only of what sort of meal to chow or where to go and hang around. Even more painful is when such tendencies are embarked on by students or academics.

My most second fear is lack of opinion about trending issues, be it in politics, social, academic or economic sphere. One will become so ignorant to an extent that he or she does not even know who the counsellor of the place where h/she stays is. The only thing that one knows better is the direction to the supermarket, let alone knowing who the owner is (LÖL). One does not only have to be a politician to follow the occurrences of one’s surrounding or place. As a youth, you can pay more interest to civil organizations within your area,especially if you think you are not competitive enough to embark on private or profitable organizations. As a graduate there are plenty of high school and primary learners who need your help. Those of you at varsity, you do not have to wait until you get back home to plough back to your country, you can do it within the schools near your campus.

As a parent, I am scared of not being able to care for my family. Family means everything. To those of you who are not parents as yet, of course you can care for your parents, siblings and relatives. Caring for people does not only have to be giving service(s) of monetary value, even giving them bit of your time to help them with chores, be a listener to them, show interest in their daily routines and lives. One way or another it will make lot of difference to them.

To conclude my fears, let me go back and expand a bit to students. Students have a tendency of going up and down without a reason. Mostly, one will go wherever a friend or a classmate suggests they should go. To others this routine is so prevalent to an extent that even if one has a strict time of doing something per certain time(reading, watching TV or listen to the radio)if that friend or classmate comes , one leaves whatever s/he was doing or supposed to be doing and follow the friend. Remember as a student , you are all going to be graded individually when the semester or the term ends.

NB I am not saying people should not socializing , all I am saying is that have direction of your life and daily routine. It should worry you to finish up the day without thinking of anything else other than food.


  1. My fear is i gave u your first alchohoic drink, will God forgive me? nyx 1 frend.

  2. hahahahahaha, wena Nadi I have no slightest idea of what you are on about not
